Jaiden has really gotten into Transformers in the last year. He has such a vivid imagination that he has even come up with his own transformer....Boomerbomb.
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Visit from the guys...
Thursday, September 25, 2008
1, 2, 3, 4...
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Jaiden's new shirt
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Progress Report
Sunday, September 14, 2008
Lazy weekend...
We really didn't do much this weekend other than clean the house (which Jaiden helped with, I should have taken pictures, but of course was busy with my own chores), and play with Jaiden. We took him outside after dinner this evening and Jamie caught this cute snippet. Jaiden kept climbing onto his slide and waving at us, yelling "HI!" So we would wave back. The dogs started barking so I went out to see what they were barking at. I snuck up on him....
Saturday, September 6, 2008
Someone yelled, "FIRE!"

The local fire deptartments have a centralized office in Richland off Gage Blvd. which is just blocks from where we live. So as Jamie pulled up he noticed lots of fire trucks parked in this parking lot, with kids and parents getting tours, spraying a small fire hose, dressing up like firefighters, getting balloons, etc... He called me and I quickly got Jaiden and I dressed to go. He picked us up and we went. When we got there it was even better than we though. They had games, popcorn and cotton candy, face painting, and the kids were able to sit in the trucks. First Jaiden played mini golf.

Then got his fireman hat and sat in one of the trucks.

And then got to drive...
Then he got to get dressed up in a firefighter coat and spray the hose. First with the fireman's help and then on his own...
After that, we got some popcorn and took some pictures by the firetrucks. Below is a close up of Jaiden eating popcorn.

Overall, it was a GREAT afternoon! Jaiden couldn't stop talking about it.
Friday, September 5, 2008
Cute Jaiden story...
Another random thing. Jaiden loves to be wrapped in a blanket like a burrito. He even asks for it, "Wrap Burrr-It-o." So the other night Jaiden brought out his cars blanket and said, "Wrap burrito!" So as Jamie was wrapping him so he could sit on the couch and watch Cars for the nth time, he sang, "Tostada, Enchilada,...BURRITO!" and tickled Jaiden. Jaiden exploded in laughter. "Again, again!" He yelled. Now it asks for the Enchilada song and laughs before you even get done saying tostada. :)
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
Jaiden at his best...
Reports from daycare....
"He loves to paint and he is sooo clean when he does it. Other kids paint themselves, give themselves highlights in their hair, but not Jaiden we only ever have to clean his hands." (I wish he was like that at home when he paints!!!
"He is very good at sitting quietly and listening to stories."
"He is really picking up his colors very quickly. We have been working on our harvest theme, so the kids have been painting fruits and vegetables. He likes to point out the colors we have used and are using."
Yesterday when I came to pick him up this was the scene that greeted me (I took them from my work cell phone and am having trouble getting them the right size, I will probably try to redownload them and try to post again). If you can't tell, Jaiden is the one in the red apron (firefighter costume).